How to configure Blue Yonder WMS to record Cycle's MOCA executions in the System Auditing table

How to configure Blue Yonder WMS to record Cycle's MOCA executions in the System Auditing table


With a MOCA connection Cycle can perform many functions in the WMS including executing MOCA commands and making local syntax calls. While these commands and calls are usually necessary for test automation, Cycle is an external application acting on the WMS. It may be beneficial or even required for application owners to track exactly what Cycle is executing.


 The Cycle MOCA connection step, I connect to MOCA at "<ADDRESS>" logged in as "<USERNAME>" with password "<PASSWORD>" publishes out CYCLE as its application identifier. This allows the Blue Yonder WMS to track any execution performed in the session. All queries, updates, inserts, scripts or MOCA commands will be recorded in the sys_audit table. 

Below is the standard WMS policy SYSTEM-AUDITING->INTERACTIVE-AUDITING->APPS-TO-AUDIT. To enable the WMS to track Cycle activity set Return String One = CYCLE and Return Number One = 1 (shown below).

NOTE: This policy change requires a hard bounce of the MOCA instance.


The Feature Scenario shown below connects to MOCA, runs 3 execution types against the WMS and closes the MOCA connection.

After running the Feature,  System Audit Record Maintenance (sys_audit table) will show the commands executed identifying Cycle as the application. Some command text may be too long for the Blue Yonder grid to show but a hover over of the field will display the syntax. 

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