How to generate a custom web report

How to generate a custom web report

Cycle allows you to generate a custom web report to review the results of a test execution. This gives you the ability to develop your own custom report template that displays the test output data that is most relevant to your automated testing use case.

This article describes the process for configuring Cycle to generate a web report using a custom web report template.

Note: Custom report templates are created using Jasper Reports. This article does not describe the process of developing a custom web report in Jasper, instead this article describes the process for configuring Cycle to produce a custom web report from a report template ('.jasper' file) that was developed and compiled in Jaspersoft Studio. To create a custom report, download Jaspersoft Studio Community Edition.  An excellent resource to get started with Jasper Reports is the JasperReports Library Ultimate Guide.

The file attached to this article can be used as an example custom web report template. This example custom report simply writes any captured screenshots using any of the 'I save screenshot' Cycle steps, to the web report and does not save any additional output to the report.

Substitute your own '.jasper' files and other report assets with the files used in the example below to generate your own custom web reports.

These instructions assume you have downloaded and extracted the file attached to this article.

Step 1: Identify a folder or create a new folder to store your custom report template on your device.
For my example, I have created a folder called 'CustomReportTemplate' within my Cycle project folder. You can name your folder with any name that is appropriate for your project standards.

Step 2: Place a copy of all '.jasper' files and any other report assets into the folder you created.
For my example, notice that I have saved several '.jasper' files and a folder named 'images' in my CustomReportTemplate directory.

    1. Main-ComplianceReport.jasper - This is the main custom report template file generated in Jaspersoft Studio.
    2. Sub-ComplianceReport-ScenarioTree.jasper & Sub-ComplianceReport-StepList.jasper - These are sub reports used within the main custom report, both generated in Jaspersoft Studio.
    3. images - This folder contains some images used within the report. Any additional report assets required by the custom report should be saved in an appropriate location as required by the report template.
Step 3: Configure Cycle Reporting Settings to use the custom report template.
Click the Settings Icon and navigate to Reporting Settings

To produce a custom web report, complete the following steps:
  1. Ensure the 'Produce web report' option is enabled.
  2. Ensure there is an 'Output directory' configured. This is the location where Cycle will save the generated report files.
  3. Select the 'Custom' option under 'Web Report Template'.
  4. Navigate to and select the '.jasper' file for your custom report under the 'Custom Web Report Template' option.

Step 4: Run your test and review the report.
Cycle will  create a new folder in the 'Output' directory specified in your Reporting Settings.

The folder name will include the data and time the report was generated. The web report and any additional assets such as screen captures that were generated for the report will be saved in the folder.

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