How to Silently Install Cycle on a Test Agent Using PowerShell

How to Silently Install Cycle on a Test Agent Using PowerShell

Cycle can be silently installed on your test agents without the need to launch and interact with the Cycle installer application. This is very useful for installing on test agents or other machines when interacting with a desktop installer is not convenient.

The PowerShell script below can be used to download and install the latest version of Cycle on a Windows based device.

This PowerShell script must be run in a shell with administrative access to successfully install Cycle.

  1. ## Install Cycle 2.* - latest

  2. # Import the BITS module
  3. Import-Module BitsTransfer

  4. # Declaring variables for Cycle 2.* download and install.
  5. $CycleInstallURL = ""
  6. $cycleExecutable = "install-cycle.exe"
  7. $BlobDestination = "C:\Temp\$cycleExecutable"

  8. # Prep staging folder
  9. New-Item 'C:\Temp' -ItemType directory -Force

  10. # Download Cycle 2.* with BITS Transfer
  11. Write-Host "Downloading $CycleInstallURL"
  12. Start-BitsTransfer -Source $CycleInstallURL -Destination $BlobDestination -DisplayName "Cycle Installation"

  13. # Check if the file is downloaded
  14. if (-not (Test-Path $BlobDestination)) {
  15.     Write-Host "Error: Cycle installer not downloaded successfully. Exiting script."
  16.     exit 1  # Exit script with error code 1
  17. }

  18. # Install Cycle Automation silently
  19. $Installer = "C:\Temp\$cycleExecutable"
  20. Write-Host "Installing Cycle Automation"
  21. Start-Process -FilePath $Installer -Args "/S" -Verb RunAs -Wait
  22. Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
  23. Write-Host "Cycle Automation has been installed"

  24. # Set Cycle into path.
  25. $cycleHome = "C:\Program Files (x86)\CycleLabs\Cycle\"
  26. [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:Path + ";${cycleHome}", "Machine")
  27. $Env:Path += ";${cycleHome}\"
  28. Write-Host "Cycle folder added into path"

  29. # Remove Cycle installer to free up disk space
  30. Get-ChildItem "C:\Temp" -Include *.exe -Recurse | Remove-Item
  31. Write-Host "Cycle installer has been removed from C:\Temp"

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