Cycle Steps and Test Execution
Step Error When Using ‘I assign values from config file’
This article describes the root cause and resolution for error messages you may encounter when using the ‘I assign values from config file’ step in Cycle. Error Examples You may get error messages similar to the messages below when using the step ‘I ...
How to load and clean up test data efficiently in Cycle.
Problem In order to properly evaluate system behavior it is required that known inputs produce desired outputs. This is especially critical when working with the JDA WMS due to its multitude of configuration options that drive specific system ...
How can I know Cycle did what I told it to?
Problem Validation is crucial to creating a proper test in Cycle. Validation can be understood as checking the accuracy of an action done by a user or system. One major pitfall of some test suites is a focus on automation alone and not validation as ...
How to make better Cycle tests with Backgrounds and After Scenarios.
Problem Cycle Features can often require set-ups before a system is in the correct state to begin the test or cleanup after having run to return everything to a clean state. Solution Cycle includes the ability to use two special types of Scenarios ...
How to pass a string of text that includes quotation marks
Problem I am trying to pass a string of text that includes quotation marks into a variable in Cycle but the quotation marks are not being included. Solution Anytime you are entering a string of text that you want Cycle to capture in its entirety even ...
How to use Comments in Cycle
Including comments within a Feature File can greatly increase the readability of the Feature. Comments can be used to convey many different types of information, including the purpose of a Feature or Scenario, explanations of why a script was written ...
How to access specific items from a delimited list
Cycle 2.5 introduced a new step that will retrieve a specific item from a delimited list and assign to a variable. The step is , I assign <NUMBER> <st|nd|rd|th> item from "<DELIMITER>" delimited list "<LIST>" to variable "<VARIABLE_NAME>" Usage: The ...
How to use Web API steps
Web API steps introduced in Cycle 2.5 can be used to send HTTP requests to exposed web API endpoints. The Cycle Web API steps support POST and GET request methods using the JSON data format. Cycle also includes steps for handling HTTP responses ...
How to use Scenario tag filters
Cycle 2.5 introduces the ability to filter tags during Feature and Playlist execution. This allows the Cycle user more control over which Scenarios within a Feature or Playlist are executed while also allowing more flexibility when assigning tags to ...